Newspaper Article: "Platform Tennis Finals Held at Fox Meadow Tennis Club" - coverage of semis and finals of 1956 Men's and Women's Nationals at Fox Meadow

Identifier: 1956-1.pdf
Date: March 15 1956
Era: The Evolution
Description: Coverage of the semis and finals of the 1956 Men's and Women's Nationals at the Fox Meadow Tennis Club, Scarsdale, NY won by the home teams of Bill Pardoe and George Harrison in the Men's and Sally Auxford and Barbara Koegel in the Women's

Related People & Organizations

William E Pardoe (is related to)
George R Harrison (is related to)
Barbara Bixler Koegel (is related to)
Fox Meadow Tennis Club (is related to)
Sally Childress Auxford (author)

Related Tournaments

1956 Men's Open (depicts)
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