Newspaper Article: "Hebard, Close Win National Senior Title" - article on finals of 1960 Men's Senior (45+) Nationals at Fox Meadow. Also has report on finals of 1960 Mixed Nationals at Orange Lawn

Identifier: Feb 1961.pdf
Date: February 23 1960
Era: The Evolution
Description: Coverage of the Men's Senior Nationals at Fox Meadow Tennis Club, Scarsdale, NY. The Seniors was inaugurated in 1957 and for the first seven years was held as a 45+. This was a repeat victory for Hebard and Close

Note: date written on clip is incorect - 1960 not 1961

Related People & Organizations

Richard K Hebard (is related to)
Walter H. Close, Jr. (is related to)
Fox Meadow Tennis Club (is related to)
Berkeley D Johnson (is related to)
Harrison Cole (is related to)
Orange Lawn Tennis Club (is related to)
Clifford S Sutter (is related to)
Suzanne Sutter (is related to)
John Beck (is related to)
Susan Beck Wasch (is related to)

Related Tournaments

1960 Mixed Open (depicts)
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