Newspaper Article: "Paddle Tennis Event Draws Stars" - Article on 1974 Mixed Nationals at Wee Burn CC won by Drowne and DeBree

Identifier: Platform Tennis Draws Stars 02-25-74.pdf
Date: February 25 1974
Era: The Rise
Description: Coverage of 1974 Mixed Nationals where Bradley Drowne and B.J. DeBree defeated John Mangan and Gloria Dillenbeck 8-6, 7-5.

Related People & Organizations

John F Mangan (is related to)
Gloria Dillenbeck Dodd (is related to)
Bradley C Drowne (is related to)
B J DeBree (is related to)
Wee Burn Country Club (is related to)
Hilary Hilton (is related to)
Oliver A "Kim" Kimberly Jr (is related to)

Related Tournaments

1974 Mixed Open (depicts)
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