Photograph: The final of the PRO- Keds Classic outside the Burlington House in Manhattan. Herb Fitz Gibbon and Hank Irvine (foreground), Chum Steele and Keith Jennings. The match was won by Fitz Gibbon & Irvine.

Identifier: Rise - 22.jpg
Era: The Rise
Description: The PRO-Keds Classic was the driving force behind the event, an eight team tournament sponsored by Uniroyal. Squires came up with one of the sports greatest marketing ideas, a court erected in mid-town Manhattan at the site of the fifty story Burlington House on 54th Street and Avenue of the Americas.

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Hank Irvine (is related to)
Herbert Fitz Gibbon II (is related to)
Keith Jennings (is related to)
Chauncy Steele (is related to)
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